Milestones for 2 years
What most children do at this age: 2 years
Self-Care Skills
·Eats a varied diet ·Naps 1 time per day ·Uses a spoon ·Drinks from cup and straw ·Unzips ·Does not use a bottle, holds a cup with one hand ·Plays with food Communication Skills ·Asks “what’s that” ·Names body parts ·Uses pronouns ·Requests items by name ·Answers where questions ·Speech is intelligible to familiar caregivers ·Combines 2 words together ·Has at least 50 words, but typically will have up to 200 words ·Points to things when they are named ·Repeats words overheard in conversation ·Follows simple instructions ·Points to 2-6 body parts ·Follows one and two step related directions |
Social and Play Skills
·Is easily frustrated and jealous of attention given to others ·Enjoys getting messy while playing with paint, playdough, etc ·Has many different emotional expressions ·Likes rough and tumble play ·Shows more and more independence ·Throws temper tantrums ·Takes turns ·Enjoys listening to stories ·Plays beside other children ·Begins to sort shapes and colors ·Grabs, pushes, pulls, peers to communicate ·Pretend plays using toys that resemble the real thing (play phone, play foods, etc) Fine Motor Skills ·Connects large popbeads ·Imitates vertical lines ·Turns pages of book ·Activates a mechanical toy ·Uses tools in play ·Turns doorknob ·Uses fingers and thumbs to grasp crayons ·Strings 1 inch beads ·Snips a piece of paper with scissors ·Builds tower of 3-5 blocks Gross Motor Skills ·Kicks a ball ·Goes up/down a slide ·Jumps with two feet ·Runs ·Stands on tiptoes ·Climbs onto and down from furniture without help ·Bends over to pick up a toy and does not fall ·Goes up and down stairs alone using handrail, marking time ·Throws a ball 3 feet ·Propels ride on toys without pedals |
Contact us for a screening or evaluation if your child:
·Doesn’t bring hands to mouth
·Doesn’t respond to loud sounds ·Can’t hold head up when pushing up when on tummy |
·Doesn’t smile at people
·Doesn’t watch things as they move ·Doesn't properly latch onto bottle or breast when feeding |
Information on milestones compiled from: TheraNotes by Belinda Anderson; Peabody Developmental Motor Scales Second Edition, Pediatric Therapy Partners website, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.